Our Coffee

At PodPod, we look for coffees that are traceable and seasonal. But more than anything, we look for coffees that are going to result in the most delicious coffee pods possible! Selecting coffee specifically to be roasted for pods means that, at each and every step, we're creating the best coffee pods you've ever had.


A blended profile made up of natural, pulped natural and washed coffees from the south of Brazil. Each lot is crafted by our partners at Capricornio coffees to have the same profile shipment after shipment. Expect honey, almond, orange and cocoa with a viscous creamy body.


Coffee grown by over 350 smallholder farmers in the village of Dikitu, Ethiopia. The cherries are handpicked and delivered to Dikitu Washing Station, owned and operated by the family of Gizaw Alemayehu and Frehiwot Mekonnen. The washing station uses sustainable practices, focuses on protecting natural water sources and also incorporates organic farming methods. They also provide education, healthcare, and insurance support for their employees and work closely with them to improve their livelihoods and overall community well-being.